Leaders of the Heart
7-day retreat (english-spoken)
Sinai, Egypt
We invite you to this week in the desert, hosted by the bedouins in camp Moussa, at the foot of some of the most powerful and mythological mountains in the world: Mount Sinai and Mount Katherine. Learn from the wisdom of the desert, join the circle of men from different cultures, nationalities and religions, and discover your own inner leader.
This leadership retreat is about taking personal leadership, and in doing so, creating a new standard of masculinity. One that is both open and grounded, both wise and playful, both sensitive and bold. In this process of inner development we become more complete, full human beings, with both our blind spots as well as our qualities. Dance, music, meditation, encounter and exploration helps us to walk the inner labyrinth. In the heart of it we feel the power of our soul, the silence of the universe pulsing through our own being.
The Journey
We work with the principles of Open Space, meaning we create the program together on the spot. We are all leaders of our own lives, and at the same time participants. The schedule is based on meeting twice a day in a circle (morning and evening) and we create the rest of the daily program together depending on what’s important in each moment. The highlight of the week will be a nightvigil on top of mount Sinai.
Price to be announced
The event will take place at Camp Mousa, in the village of Saint Catherine. You can take a taxi from Taba (Israeli border), Cairo or Sharm el Sheikh. Arriving in Sharm is your responsibility and tourist flights are rather frequent and affordable.
Day 1. Arriving and gathering in Bedouin Moon, Dahab
Day 2. transfer by car to Camp Moussa
Day 3. Camp
Day 4. Camp
Day 5. Camp
Day 6. Desert
Day 7. Transfer back to Dahab
Day 8. Departure
All participants are present from beginning till end. You can only participate for the whole event. The retreat starts with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and ends on the last morning with a closing ceremony.
You are fully responsible for your own experience or any events, illness or accidents that may take place. Of course we will do anything possible to make your stay as safe and comfortable as possible, but we can’t take any liability for your safety, nor for your emotional, physical or financial well being.
Make sure you have a valid passport and a fully covered travel- and medical insurance.
We are guests in another country, another culture and maybe for some of us another religion. Please respect the local customs, rules, dresscode and formalities.
Note that the main language spoken on the retreat will be in English.
We will be using Open Space, a way to give space to that what wants to reveal itself and to connect to that what resonates inside of you. Open Space gives the possibility to expect the unexpected, to be inspired by the moment, and to act from the heart. It is a sometimes discomforting method but one that can reveal magic beyond our imagination.
The main intention of our work is personal healing and growth. So the fuller you personally engage in the process, the more it might bring to you. We encourage your preparation and devotion to this work by tuning in the months and weeks before, by asking a few questions to yourself: what is my intention? What do I want to achieve? What is my pitfall or my shadow? How can I prepare myself?
Due to the context and content of this week, personal healing, no children – nor animals – are allowed.
No drugs of any sort are permitted, and we like you to limit alcohol, coffee and meat.
We don’t advocate conspiracy theories. We focus in our work on the heart.
In case of cancellation there will be a fee to be paid of €500.
Registration happens through Hipsy:
DATES TBD, subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know.
Ton van der Kroon
Eran Markose
Testimonials of men who came before
Ik heb nu al verschillende mannenworkshops bij Ton en Jan gevolgd. Regelmatig heb ik gedacht: “ ik ben hier weg!!!” Het roept me telkens als man op om voor het mijne te gaan staan. Dat wat ik belangrijk vind, dat wat mij nauw aan het hart ligt en dat binnen te brengen in de groep. Dat vraagt moed en durf. En dan steigert het klein manneke in mij vaak. “Dat ga je toch niet zeggen zeker?” De verbondenheid die op enkele dagen ontstaat en de broederschap die zich vormt heeft mij enorm veel gebracht. Vriendschappen, inzichten, rust, meer authenticiteit… dat ik man mag zijn onder andere mannen in evenwaardigheid.
Ik herinner mijn allereerste Heart of Men super goed. Om te durven spreken voor mannen die ik helemaal niet ken, sterker nog, mij kwetsbaar durven opstellen naar andere mannen die ik niet ken. Om in zo een groep te mogen ervaren dat we allemaal met onzekerheid, twijfels, oordelen, het gevoel van niet goed genoeg te zijn, kampen. Elkaar eren en zien in elkanders gevoel. Zonder gelijk te willen hebben of zonder er iets aan te willen veranderen. Dat het er gewoon mag zijn. Dat is broederschap. Dat is kracht. Dat is authenticiteit. Dat is liefde.
Peter Van den Broucke
Ken Devaere
Ik ben elke keer weer onder de indruk van ruimte die door vertraging en intentie gecreëerd kan worden in een mannengroep. Pijn en verwarring worden daar in openheid gedeeld en mogen zo heling ervaren en inzicht ontvangen. Pure alchemie…!