Leaders of the Heart

International Men’s Gathering in Sinai, Egypt

October 27th - November 3rd 2024
What is it?

We invite you to this week in the desert, hosted by the bedouins in camp Mousa, at the foot of one of the most powerful and mythological mountains in the world: mount Sinai. Learn from the wisdom of the desert, join the circle of men from different cultures, nationalities and religions, and discover your own sacred warrior, your inner leader, hero or healer. And most important: Learn how to follow your soul.

We’ll work with the format of Open Space, in which we’ll create the program together on the spot. Dance, music, meditation, encounter and exploration helps us to walk the inner labyrinth. In the heart of it we feel the power of our soul, the silence of the universe pulsing through our own being. NB. There is a possibility to follow a program of 5 zooms in preparation for this gathering.
This gathering is about taking personal leadership, and in doing so, creating a new standard of masculinity. One that is both open and grounded, both wise and playful, both sensitive and bold, both feminine and masculine. In this process of inner development we become more complete, full human beings, with both our blind spots as well as our qualities. Dance, music, meditation, encounter and exploration helps us to walk the inner labyrinth. In the heart of it we feel the power of our soul, the silence of the universe pulsing through our own being.
In both Judaism, Islam and Christianity we have a powerful story of the Messiach, the Mahdi or the Messias. It is the archetype of the savior, the hero or the healer who comes when the world is facing darkness and turmoil. This archetype chooses light over darkness, healing over war, oneness over duality. What if this archetype is lying dormant in all of us? What if this story is only a remembrance to awaken the power of the heart in ourselves? What if we can connect to this powerful metaphor and make it a reality in our daily lives?
We invite you to this week in the desert, hosted by the bedouins in camp Moussa, at the foot of one of the most powerful and mythological mountains in the world: mount Sinai. Learn from the wisdom of the desert, join the circle of men from different cultures, nationalities and religions, and discover your own inner leader, hero and healer. We’ll work with the format of Open Space, in which we’ll create the program together on the spot.

We will stay in camp Moussa, run by the local bedouins. The camp has simple yet comfortable two person rooms. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included, as well as an excursion into the desert, where we will sleep for one night, as well as a climb on mount Sinai. The trip to and from Saint Catherine, by taxi or bus from Cairo, Taba or Sharm el Sheich, is not included. Please know that the desert can be cold in the night and hot during the day, and that you need suncream, a hat and good walking shoes.

For Who?

This gathering is for all men, from any race, religion, creed or financial background. We believe that when men can connect to each other at the crossroads of different backgrounds you can heal, but also the world at large can be healed – even if just a little bit.

Therefore we created different payment brackets for this workshop. Pick what fits your situation, and know that when you pay more, part of your payment will be used to make it possible for a man with less financial means to join our gathering.

Ton van der Kroon
Trainer & Founder
Father, Author of "Terugkeer van de Koning"
Eran Markose
Trainer, traveler, coach

Opening Circle 27nd October 20:00 after dinner in Dahab, hotel Bedouin Moon. Nb. It is possible to arrive from october 24th to Bedouin Moon, to have some days to prepare before entering the desert. We will hold a circle and do yoga.
The closing ceremony is 3 november 11:00 after lunch in Camp Moussa. On new moon we will stay the whole night on Mount Sinai.

Sheikh Moussa Camp, Saint Catherine Village, Sinai Desert, Egypt.

The Bedouin camp where we will stay is led by Mohammed Mousa. The camp has simple yet comfortable two person rooms. One person rooms are only available in case of a medical reason. At mount Sinai we will sleep in a cabin or under the stars. Sleeping blankets are provided. Please know that the desert can be cold in the night and hot during the day, and that you need suncream, a hat and good walking shoes.

The costs of this retreat are  € 690 / € 990 / 1290 (Depending on your income; low income < € 20.000 euro; middle income € 20.000- € 40.000; high income > € 40.000). This price includes 3 meals & accommodation in a shared double room with a private bathroom in the Bedouin camp. It also includes one excursion and the night on Mt Sinai. The trip to and from Saint Catherine, by taxi or bus from Cairo, Taba or Sharm el Sheich, is not included.

All participants are present from beginning till end. You can only participate for the whole event. The conference starts with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and ends on the last morning with a closing ceremony.
  1. No drugs of any sort are permitted, and we like you to limit alcohol, coffee and meat.
  2. Your participation is at your own responsibility. Of course we will do anything possible to make your stay as safe and comfortable as possible, but we can’t take any responsability for your safety, nor for your emotional, physical or financial well being.
  3. Make sure you have a valid passport and travel insurance.
  4. We are guests in another country, another culture and maybe for some of us another religion. Please respect the local customs, rules, dresscode and formalities.
  5. Note that the main language spoken on the conference will be in English.
  6. We will be using Open Space, a way to give space to that what wants to reveal itself and to connect to that what resonates inside of you. Open Space gives the possibility to expect the unexpected, out of your own inspiration, out of the group, out of the moment. It is a sometimes discomforting method but one that can reveal magic beyond our imagination – or so we discovered.
  7. The main intention of our work is personal healing and growth. So the fuller you personally engage in the process, the more it might bring to you. We encourage your preparation and devotion to this work by tuning in the months and weeks before, by asking a few questions to yourself: what is my intention? What do I want to achieve? What is my pitfall or my shadow? How can I prepare myself?
  8. As for the context and content of this week, personal healing, no children –nor animals –are allowed.
  9. To be clear about expectations; In our work we like to unite people of all ages, all faiths, all backgrounds. We do not believe in a dark government, illuminati or any conspiracy theories. We like to focus on the heart, not the mind.
You can only participate for the whole event. All retreats start at 6 pm (18:00) with dinner and the opening ceremony on the first night, and end at 11 am (11:00) on the last day with a closing ceremony right before lunch time.

Your registration is ensured by sending an email to and deposit your payment on the following bank account: IBAN: NL90 INGB 0008216143, BICcode: INGBNL2A, Tree of Life, Laurierstraat 122, 1016 PR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Your registration will only be confirmed once the payment is received. Please book as soon as possible, since places are limited!!

In case of cancellation, there is a cancellation fee of € 200 one month before the start of the event. After that the whole amount has to be paid.

Live music as medicine